6th EECME Conference
- School of business
The Ljubljana School of Business
ISSN 2712-2522
TITLE: Sustainable Intelligence in the Digital Landscape: Exploring Paths for Management and Economics
The conference will be held as a hybrid meeting on May 16, 2024, in Ljubljana, Slovenia. EECME 2024 is a peer-reviewed international scientific conference focused on research advances and applications in the field of sustainable intelligence and the digital landscape.
The International Standard Serial Number ISSN 2712-2522 is assigned to the EECME Conference website.
In the realm of management and economics, this conference explores the blend of sustainable intelligence within the digital landscape. The event is focused on creating paths for management and economics, inviting leaders, researchers, and professionals to discuss the connection between sustainability and the ever-evolving digital world. Throughout the conference, participants will delve into the heart of these topics, sharing groundbreaking research and collectively shaping a future that is both robust and intelligent for management and economics. The emphasis is on collaborative efforts, working together to address challenges and seize the opportunities arising in the era of sustainable digital change.
The conference will include relevant discussions on topics such as the ethical considerations of digitalization in management practices and the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on economic decision-making processes. These supplementary aspects broaden the conversation, offering a comprehensive exploration of the intersections between sustainable intelligence, and digitalization, and their implications for the fields of management and economics.
The aim of EECME 2024 is to provide a platform for researchers, higher education teachers, PhD students and authorities to present their research results in the following conference topics:
- Sustainable Management Strategies in the Modern World
- Modeling Dynamics and E-Transformation of Digital Business Processes
- Marketing Strategies in the Digital Landscape
- Globalization for Growth and Development in Management, Economics, and Informatics
- Digital and Trendy Learning Approaches: Building an Inclusive Knowledge Management Society
The Conference languages are English and Slovenian.
There is no attendance/participation fee for the EECME conference.
On-line registration for the 6th EECME conference
All participants (active and those without papers) have to register for the conference until May 13, 2024.
Authors are invited to submit abstracts in conference topics no later than February 11, 2024.
Abstracts (100–150 words) should clearly state the paper's topic, purpose, and methodology. The details are given in the e-form for abstract submission:
*Abstract submission form in Word format for your preparation before submitting the final proposal.
NOTE: Author/s can have the full article published in conference publications/journals without active presentation at the conference. If authors decide to do an active presentation in the English language at the EECME conference, at least a B2 level is required.
In case of the authors' interest, the accepted abstracts can be developed into full articles and submitted by April 7, 2024, at the latest. See SUBMISSION INSTRUCTION for further information concerning the submission of the full papers.
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTION - full papers/articles
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check their submission's compliance with all the instruction issues. Articles that do not adhere to the EECME instructions and article template will be returned to the authors.
Full articles should be sent to: eecme@vspv.si no later than April 7, 2024.
Submitted articles will be peer-reviewed by reviewers within the same field of research. The evaluation and critique generated from peer-review will provide authors with feedback to improve their articles and allow the editors to assess the articles’ suitability for publication in the EECME conference publications.
The review results of articles will be announced to the submitting authors by email, along with reviewer comments no later than May 10, 2024 (Notification of acceptance).
Final articles with included review corrections must be submitted via eecme@vspv.si no later than June 2, 2024. Authors must provide proofreading of the final articles.
After the event, articles will be collected in the AIJES journal (CEEOL, DOAJ, Index Copernicus, Scipio) or AIJJS journal (EBSCO, JournalTOCs, Stanford Libraries, vLex International Law, High Court of Delhi, HeinOnline, Worldcat) following the review process of the journals. Some articles will be published in EECME Conference Proceedings. The final decision will be made by the scientific committee and/or editorial board, taking into consideration the academic fields of the articles.
The publication of articles is free of charge.
- Abstract submission: February 11, 2024.
- Notification of acceptance and invitation to submit full articles: February 26, 2024.
- Full article submission: April 7, 2024.
- Review results of articles: May 10, 2024.
- All participants (active and those without articles) must register for the conference by May 13, 2024.
- The EECME conference will be held on May 16, 2024, as a hybrid meeting.
- Final article submission (with review corrections) – submission deadline: June 2, 2024.
- Publication of articles: Summer 2024.
Authors are kindly advised to send articles as soon as possible to eecme@vspv.si to allow reviewers a timely, effective, and high-quality review process. The review cycle time tends to increase if submitting the article is right on the deadline due to many submissions around deadlines.
Katarina Aškerc Zadravec - PhD in Educational Sciences; Ljubljana School of Business (Slovenia).
Conference scientific committee and organizing committee
• Ahliman Abbasov, PhD in World Economy, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (Azerbaijan).
• Aleksandra Tošović-Stevanović - PhD in Economics; Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, PEP (Serbia).
• Ana-Maria Bolborici - PhD in International Relations; Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania).
• András Kétyi - PhD in Educational Sciences; Budapest Business University (Hungary).
• Casian-Valentin Butaci - PhD in Finance; Agora University of Oradea (Romania).
• Catalin Popescu - PhD in Control Systems; Gas University of Ploiesti; EUMMAS member (Romania).
• Đuro Đurić - PhD in Law; Faculty of Business Economics and Law, Bar (Montenegro).
• Ewelina Idziak - PhD in Economics & Finance, Kazimierz Wielki University (Poland).
• Fabian Pjetri - PhD in Economic Rural Policies; Agricultural University of Tirana (Albania).
• Fadil Mušinović - PhD in Organizational Management; Ljubljana School of Business (Slovenia).
• Felix-Angel POPESCU - PhD in Economics; Agora University of Oradea (Romania).
• Ganna Duginets - Doctor of Economic Sciences; State University of Trade and Economics (Ukraine).
• Gazmir Gjoni - PhD in Biotechnology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana (Albania).
• Gheorghina Bîrlădeanu - PhD in Management; Agora University of Oradea (Romania).
• Gordana Gavrić - PhD in Business and management; Faculty of business economics and entrepreneurship, Belgrade (Serbia).
• Haritini Tsangari - PhD in Statistics; University of Nicosia; Member of EUMMAS (Cyprus).
• Iriyna Honcharova - methodologist in mathematics, Izmail State Humanitarian University (Ukraine).
• Iza Gigauri - PhD in Business Administration; St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University (Georgia).
• Jelena Lukić Nikolić - PhD in Economics, Modern Business School (Serbia).J Satpathy - PhD in Leadership & Management, Neurointegral Scientific Institute of Colombia (Colombia); Management University of Africa (Kenya).
• Julija Lapuh Bele - PhD in Business Informatics; Ljubljana School of Business (Slovenia).
• Kakul Agha - PhD in Business Administration; Skyline University College; EUMMAS member (United Arab Emirates).
• Katarina Aškerc Zadravec - PhD in Educational Sciences; Ljubljana School of Business; EUMMAS member (Slovenia).
• Khatuna Tabagari - PhD in Economics, Georgian International University (Georgia).
• Marina Nahara - PhD in Human Resource Management; West Ukrainian National University (Ukraine).
• Matilda Gjoni (Meta) - PhD in International Relations; University of Tirana (Albania).
• Milena Fornazarič - PhD in Marketing; Ljubljana School of Business (Slovenia).
• Myroslava Bosovska - PhD in Economics; State University of Trade and Economics; EUMMAS member (Ukraine).
• Nargiz Hajiyeva, PhD in Political Economy, Azerbaijan State University of Economics (Azerbaijan).
• Natia Surmanidze - PhD in Economics, The University of Georgia (Georgia).
• Oana PETRIȘOR MATEUȚ - PhD in Marketing; Agora University of Oradea (Romania).
• Ramona Mihaela URZICEANU - PhD in Economics; Agora University of Oradea (Romania).
• Ramona Rupeika-Apoga – PhD in Economics; University of Latvia (Latvia).
• Rezart Dibra - PhD in Management; University European of Tirana (Albania).
• Rok Bojanc - PhD in Business Informatics; Ljubljana School of Business (Slovenia).
• Sablu Khan - PhD in Business Administration; Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India).
• Slavoljub Šljivić - PhD in Economics; Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship Belgrade (Serbia).
• Sonja D. Radenković - PhD in Information Systems; Union University Belgrade; EUMMAS member (Serbia).
• Stela Raytcheva - PhD in Management Sciences, University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines - University Paris Saclay; EUMMAS member (France).
• Swati Chakraborty – PhD in Quality Assurance Management, University of Calcutta (Bhutan).
• Tekla Szép - PhD in Managemenet and Business Administration; University of Miskolc (Hungary).
• Tina Vukasović - PhD in Marketing; University of Primorska; International School for Social and Business Studies; Ljubljana School of Business (Slovenia).
• Tsotne Zhghenti - PhD in Economics; Business and Technology University; EUMMAS member (Georgia).
• Valentin Vasilev - PhD in Public Administration, Higher School of Security and Economics (Bulgaria)
• Viorina Maria JUDEU - PhD in Economics; Agora University of Oradea (Romania).
• Vlado Radić - PhD in Management; Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, PEP (Serbia).
• Zorana Nikitović - PhD in Economic Sciences; Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, Belgrade (Serbia).
• Armila Xhebraj - Msc in Accounting - Finance; University College of Business (Albania).
• Gordana Gavrić - PhD in Business and management; Faculty of business economics and entrepreneurship, Belgrade (Serbia).
• Katarina Aškerc Zadravec - PhD in Educational Sciences; Ljubljana School of Business; EUMMAS member (Slovenia).
• Madhav Verma - Mcom in Business Administration; Royal Thimphu College (Bhutan).
• Millan Subba – Msc in Business Administration; Royal Thimphu College (Bhutan).
• Nikola Abramović - PhD in Economics; Faculty of Business Economics and Law, Bar (Montenegro).
• Ramakrishna Yanamandra – PhD in Supply Chain Management; Skyline University College; EUMMAS member (United Arab Emirates).
• Szilvia Kovács - sociologist-economist; University of Dunaújváros (Hungary).
• Tsotne Zhghenti - PhD in Economics; Business and Technology University; EUMMAS member (Georgia).
• Yuzer Peldon – Msc in Business Administration; Royal Thimphu College (Bhutan).
For questions, please do not hesitate to contact the conference organizing committee: eecme@vspv.si.
EECME 2023 5th Eastern European Conference of Management and Economics, Ljubljana (Slovenia), May 25, 2023.
EECME 2022 4th Eastern European Conference of Management and Economics, Ljubljana (Slovenia), May 26, 2022.
EECME 2021 3rd Eastern European Conference of Management and Economics, Ljubljana (Slovenia), May 28, 2021.
EECME 2020 2nd Eastern European Conference of Management and Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 29, 2020.
EECME 2019 1st Eastern European Conference of Management and Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 24, 2019.
- Ljubljana School of Business, represented by Lidija Weis - PhD of Business Administration; EUMMAS leadership member (Slovenia).
- European Marketing and Management Association (EUMMAS), represented by Mile Vasić - PhD in Economics (Bosnia and Hercegovina).
- Faculty of Business, Economics and Law, Bar, represented by Rajko Novićević - PhD in Economics (Montenegro).
- Agora University of Oradea, represented by Felix-Angel Popescu - PhD in Economics (Romania).
- Faculty of Business Economics and Entrepreneurship, represented by Gordana Djordjević - PhD in business informatics (Serbia).
- Azerbaijan State University of Economics, represented by Adalat Muradov, PhD in Economics (Azerbaijan).
- Women Researchers Council UNEC, research center represented by Nargiz Hajiyeva, PhD in Political Economy (Azerbaijan)
- Skyline University College (United Arab Emirates)
Some of the conference co-organisers are partners in Erasmus+ KA171 and KA131 projects.